Friday 29th Cultural Night


My Country

País Petit (Lluís Llach) 

El meu país és tan petit 
que quan el sol se'n va a dormir 
mai no està prou segur d'haver-lo vist. 
Diuen les velles sàvies 
que és per això que torna. 
Potser sí que exageren, 
tant se val! és així com m'agrada a mi 
i no en sabria dir res més. 

Canto i sempre em sabré 
malalt d'amor pel meu país. 
El meu país és tant petit 
que des de dalt d'un campanar 
sempre es pot veure el campanar veí. 
Diuen que els poblets tenen por, 
tenen por de sentir-se sols, 
tenen por de ser massa grans, 
tant se val! és així com m'agrada a mi 
i no en sabria dir res més. 

Canto i sempre em sabré 
malalt d'amor pel meu país. 
El meu país és tant petit 
que sempre cap dintre del cor 
si és que la vida et porta lluny d'aquí 
i ens fem contrabandistes, 
mentre no descrobreixin 
detectors pels secrets del cor. 
I és així, és així, com m'agrada a mi 
i no en sabria dir res més. 

Canto i sempre em sabré 
malalt d'amor pel meu país. 
El meu país és tant petit 
que quan el sol se'n va a dormir 
mai no està prou segur 
d'haver-lo vist.

Small country (Halldor Mar)

You see, my country's so small
that when the sun goes down at night
he can't be sure he's really seen it.
The old and wise tell the story
that it's why the sun comes back.
They might be embellishing- I don't care.
'Cause this is how I like it.
Don't wanna say another word.

I sing and I'll always be
crazy in love with my country.
You see, my country's so small
that from the top of the belfry
you see the bells from the village nearby.
They say that small towns are scared,
so scared of being alone,
scared of becoming too big—
I don't care.'Cause this is
how I like it. Don't wanna say another word.

I sing and I'll always be
crazy in love with my country.
You see, my country's so small
that it fits right inside the heart
in case life takes you far away from home,
and turns us into smugglers
as long as no one finds
out how to read our heart's great secrets.
This is it. 'Cause this is how I like it.
 Don't wanna say another word.

I sing and I'll always be
crazy in love with my country.
How I like it!
Don't wanna say another word.
I sing and I'll always be
crazy in love with my country.

Topics and myths about Catalan traditions 

1. The typical Catalan dance is Flamenco

2. Our traditional pa amb tomàquet (bread with tomato) has the tomato cut on it

3. An old tradition for celebrations is to dress up as a devil and dance under fireworks

4. We've got bullfighting as an optional subject at school

5. The national day, 11th of September, commemorates a defeat.

6. It was the day in 1974 when Catalonia lost its independence against Spain.

We celebrate it to remind us that we can lose but we'll keep on fighting.

7. Our flag has a bloody origin

8. The most popular football team in Catalonia is RCD Espanyol...

9. Our typical hat is black and flat

10. In Vic we have the best llangonissa (cold sausage) of the world...

11. In the traditional parties, we drink directly from the bottles

Catalan traditions and customs from martap


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