
Showing posts from 2016

Critical Incident - KISS HUG OR SHAKE HANDS

Kiss, hug or shake hands?   Although I didn't host anybody, during this week, when the Italian, Bulgarian and Swedish students where in Catalonia, I noticed some differences in our cultures. The first days I had to greet and introduce myself to other students. But I didn't know if I had to kiss them on the cheeks, hug or just shake hands. In Catalonia we usually kiss each other on the cheeks but in other countries too? I thought that if I shake hands it will be more polite because kisses would be strange and inappropriate for someone. In the end I asked my Catalan friends what they did to greet them, and then I realized they had the same problem and I was not the only one. Learning Point: If you’re not sure what to do when you meet someone new from another country, ask them what they do to greet people. It’s easy and better to talk and avoid misunderstandings. Greeting new people I was at my school waiting to the teacher to arrive. In the meantime, a Bu...


CRITICAL INCIDENT Getting ready in the morning All along this week, while I was hosting my Bulgarian partner, I didn’t have any problem, but one thing that surprised me was that she needed a lot of time to get ready in the morning. At first I thought she was slow, but then I saw that she put lotions on her face and she combed and straight her hair and I realized she just wanted to look good. Anyway, I thought that it wasn’t necessary to primp myself because we were just going to school. Besides, we had to leave home fifteen minutes before eight and we were late almost every day. The first day we were late I thought that she would see that she spent so much time getting ready, but the next day she did the same and I had to wait for her again. It didn’t bother me at all but I was surprised because I’m not used to it. At the end of the week I found it normal and I learned to be patient in the morning. The learning point is that some cultures give more importance to the physical a...

CATANIA - Visual trip

 Enjoy this fantastic video about our journey to Italy. It was a greatful experience: teachers and students are so happy and they want to repeat it. From Catalonia we have recollected some photos, where you will be able to see and remember the best moments in the best island of Italy, Sicilia.

TEDTALK- Teach Every Child about Food - Jamie Oliver

Watch this TEDTALK - Teach every child about food  and read the Newspaper Article:    How celebrity chefs destroy classic Spanish dishes

Catania- Rome-Vic Saturday

Back Home

Catania Friday

Working hard

Catania Thursday

Taormina The Sound of Mount Edna in a windy day 

Catania Wednesday

Happy Birthday Morning: Reflections                  Cards game                   Break                  Volcanologism Afetrnoon: Sports                     Puppets theatre                      Home                     Go out We arrived  at 8:45  at school, we were agrupated in national groups and we did the reflections of the other days. When we finished the activity, we went to play a cards game, there were 10 tables and in each table there were different rules, me and my partner had played in Catalonia, so we had to be the observers. I observed that people got dissapointed with the game. When we finished the game, we had a break to eat something. ...

Catania Tuesday

Visiting the city

Catania Monday

Monday at work

Catania - First Impressions - Sunday

Our Italian partners

Baroque in Vic

Jobshadowing in Vic

This year students

Forum 1 Page 1

Critical Incident .- MY OWN EXPERIENCE

A CRITICAL INCIDENT  My own experience in in the Erasmus+ Project last Year Last year I was in Bulgaria for a week, doing a student exchange with a school from Stara Zagora. My partner, Darina, was a really nice and open-minded girl with who I got on really well with. We still keep contact and we chat sometimes. I had an amazing time there but, as they are from a different culture, we had a few misunderstandings. One of them is that when I first had dinner with them, at Darina’s grandmother’s home, Darina did not talk much during the meal so I asked her a few questions to try to start a conversation. The result was not was I was expecting: she answered the questions but did not keep talking. The room was silent again. Although the food was tasty, I was not really hungry but I ate everything because I did not want to be impolite. Darina’s grandmother, who was watching us and smiling to me whenever our eyes met, immediately took my plate and asked me if I wanted more. I ...

Jobshadowing in Sweden

Literature III

Literature II

What books do we read? Which ones did we enjoy most?

Our Diaries

Some impressions about the first year of the project

Critical Incident - KISS OR SHAKE HANDS

CRITICAL INCIDENT Shall I lean on to kiss or shake hands? When we were introducing ourselves, on Monday, I came across this little incident. I met a Bulgarian girl to whom just offered me her hand to shake, it was completely fine. Then I greeted an Italian girl. I offered her my hand (as I was taught), I didn’t see her leaning towards me. Even though, I’ve lived in Catalonia for 10 years, I still can’t get used to kissing people on the cheeks when you meet them. Naturally, it was a surprise for me. The Swedish ones were actually another story. One of my friends was talking to a Swedish guy and I was just awkwardly standing next to her, waiting for her to introduce me, or for him to say anything regarding my presence. However, it didn’t happen. In the end, I just said hello to him and shook hands. Learning point, Italians do indeed lean in for kisses on the cheeks, while Bulgarians and Swedish just prefer to shake hands and have personal space, best if you are the one int...

Critical Incident - NO TITLE 3

Critical incident During these days that I've host Sofie we didn’t have any problem or a unpleasant situation, at least I think so, but maybe she was in a awkward situation that she didn't know what to do when she asked me what were the plans for the day or for the afternoon and I answered that I had to talk to my friends to agree on something. So after observing I noticed that in Sweeden people used to plan all the things that they do, moreover they like to prepare the things that they are going to do and they feel uncomfortable when they have to improvise something. Although sometimes there is no time to get everything ready, it is usually better to plan what we want to do because this is when often the things go well. Maria 


videos Brush your teeth, Breakfast, Hurry up


  T witter: @mwayerasmus Instagram: @erasmusplus_mwyw_callis   Project Blog Bulgarian Blog   C atal an Blog Swedish Blog: Italian Blo g:  Facebook - Erasmus + K2 Strategic Partnership


BARCELONA - Instagram competition

VIC - Instagram Competition


Sports- Voleiball, Basketball and Football

Castellers - Human Towers

Do you speak Catalan?

Traditonal Dances

April - Modernim and Romanesque


Friday 29th End of visit Catalan Reflections VIMEO

  End of Visit Catalan Reflections from Marta Marti on Vimeo . End of visit reflections from CallisEnglish

Friday 29th Cultural Night

Sardanes  Sardanes from CallisEnglish My Country País Petit (Lluís Llach)  El meu país és tan petit   que quan el sol se'n va a dormir   mai no està prou segur d'haver-lo vist.   Diuen les velles sàvies   que és per això que torna.   Potser sí que exageren,   tant se val! és així com m'agrada a mi   i no en sabria dir res més.   Canto i sempre em sabré   malalt d'amor pel meu país.   El meu país és tant petit   que des de dalt d'un campanar   sempre es pot veure el campanar veí.   Diuen que els poblets tenen por,   tenen por de sentir-se sols,   tenen por de ser massa grans,   tant se val! és així com m'agrada a mi   i no en sabria dir res més.   Canto i sempre em sabré   malalt d'amor pel meu país.   El meu país és tant petit   que sempre cap dintre del cor   si és que la vida et porta lluny d'aquí   i ens fem contr...

Thursday 28th - Trip to Plovdiv


Wednesday 27th

Learn Bulgarian,  Biology Class,  Visit StaraZagora,  Karaoke

Tuesday 26th

Cross-cultural communication,  Cultural Detectives in Action and m eet our classmates

Monday 25th

Welcome, presentations, Customs and Traditions – three workshops: Martenitsi, Traditional  BG Dances, Bread making

Flying to Stara Zagora - Sunday 24th


Our Logo


etwinning contact


Catalan Celebrations

Catalan Traditional Celebrations from Marta Marti on Vimeo .

People and Places of Interest

Montserrat from Marta Marti on Vimeo . Gaudi from Marta Marti on Vimeo .


Catalonia from Marta Marti on Vimeo .


Vic, our city from Marta Marti on Vimeo . Vic, our city from Marta Marti on Vimeo . Descobreix Vic, Official Video  Descobreix Vic from Ajuntament de Vic on Vimeo .

School Presentations

Our School from Marta Marti on Vimeo .

Before the project - Science Fair 13-14


Before the project - 2nd ESO - Colonias de Otoño Jaca 13-14


Before the project- 1st ESO 12-13 Summer Week in Tossa

Blog link

Students in the project


Our school

Institut Jaume Callís is a public high school of approximately 650 students aged 12 to 18, and 60 teachers. The school offers the 4 years of compulsory education (12-16) and post compulsory (Technology, Science, Economics, Humanities and Sports Studies). The school dates back from 1968 and has several programs running. One of them is the Erasmus+ project with Bulgaria, Sweden and Italy